
RECYCLED THOUGHTS: 27FEB06 (or, "what i do when i should be sleeping")

so, if i feel like i got so much done today, why do i also feel as if i left so much undone? it's always like this ; it must be something @ my state of mind.

on the rare occasions when i have energy, & the even rarer days when i also feel motivated, i'm like a whole different person. i fell asleep in the chair for @ an hour today,& got mad @ it when i woke up. i'm usually mad @ having woken up.

but it's like that seldom-used, get-things-done part of my brain awakens once a month &, no matter how much i do, keeps coming up w/ 2 additional tasks for every 1 completed. it sets one to wondering whether the constant state of emergency caused by compulsive procrastination isn't less stressful than falling farther & farther from the ultimate goal of having everything done.

perhaps if the goal was revised. if one were to set out each day to "get things done," rather than to "get everything done," that frustration which accompanies the setting of the sun may be somewhat diminished.maybe even replaced by a sense of accomplishment.

on the other hand, of what use is accomplishment, if it leads not to eventual rest? perhaps a restful spirit is better than a rested body & mind? i fear i may never experience either, & so be incapable of an authoritative answer to my own query.

and now, how conceited i must be! to ask a question of myself, fully expecting an eventual --if not immediate-- answer, betrays an undue faith in my own intellect. if acknowledgement of ignorance is truly the beginning of wisdom, (& i believe it is so,) then how far i have yet to go! though i know, w/ my intellect, that i know little, that same intellect contradicts its own wisdom w/ its assumption of an ability to decipher any mystery encountered.

however many times i try to put myself in my proper place, i am ever confounded by that other part of myself, which finds it ultimately appropriate that i, in my wisdom, should be the one to do so. in acknowledging my ignorance, (which i do honestly,) i feed my own ego, by demonstrating to myself how wise i must be, to know that i am so ignorant.

oh, the profundity of my dissertations! it is matched only by the futility. and with that thought, i surrender yet another day, & slink dizzily off to bed, hopeful of a fresh start in the mourning, in a bright world, where everything is exactly as it ought to be, & i, like paul simon, may converse contentedly w/ any lampost that wanders my way, confident in the fact that i've nothing to get done.



c'mon, guys!

i replied to everyone willing to venture a guess on my little pop quiz, including your scores. (yes, there was partial credit given.) isn't anyone gonna tell me how i did? not that it's a contest, or anything. (i already know i'm a better friend than you...)

it is a bit of a blow to the ego to sea that only immediate family felt qualified to even take the "friendship test," but i've known for a while now that i need to get some real friends. anybody interested? i don't have a trampolene, or a swimming pool, or much money, or a hot older sister, or much time for anything but work & sleep...

but hey, i'm fun!

just ask all my friends...


in defense of my fashion sense

i once had a pair of red shorts. they were sweatpant-like material, but thicker, & they said
on one leg. they were given to me by a girlfriend, who was moving to indiana &, apparently, thought i might like to become a hoosier fan for her memory's sake. in fact, i did not become a fan. i moved on rather quickly, but i kept the shorts.

the last time i saw them, they were actually an orange-ish shade, & read
on the leg. the only reason i realize this is the time someone mentioned that my pink shirt didn't match my orange shorts. the pink shirt was actually red, as well. they'd each faded in their own, unique way, & i'd failed to notice any change at all.

what were red shorts when i got them ought naturally to match what was a red shirt when i bought it. i still fail to sea the flaw in my logic, notwithstanding the aforementioned evidence to the contrary. and isn't there some merit to a thought process which, however erroneously, allows things to remain forever young?

my best blanket, even with the fresh cigarette burn, will remain my best blanket until the tattered threads crumble to dust in the wind; my favourite hat will never be anything but blue to me, no matter how many people call it grey; my wife will always be as youthful ,beautiful & mysterious as the day i 1st laid eyes on her.

as for the things that i allow to change -- my jeans, my children, my boots: they will only ever change for the better. a good pair of levi's 501 button fly's is never as perfect as the day before they fall to pieces; children, like lovers, only get better w/ each new discovery of the person inside there; boots are most comfortable after several years of breaking-in.

so maybe i have no fashion sense. or maybe i'm old-fashioned. maybe just out of fashion. most likely, i'm fixated on comfort, but i'm comfortable w/ my way of thinking, so i'm stickin' w/ it.


hrs in a day

24 hrs in a day
7 days in a week

168 hrs in a week
87 hrs @ work
81 hrs @ home

all spent sleeping.