
"menace to society"

__so i was thinking...
__the movie's supposed to convey (presumably) a message of social responsibility, etc. right? but doesn't it really do just the opposite? consider o-dog, the care-free banger. you know, the only one to escape the ending credits w/ his life? isn't the real message that a young, urban, black man takes away from the film something along the lines of, "it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you don't get caught"? or, "no quantity of right decisions can help you escape your ghetto fate"?
__i know for a fact that today, as we remembered the movie, o-dog was the star of the conversation.



so ya sucked me in. come sea mine @ http://crawdaddylonglegs.blogspot.com
mine aren't ever going to be as patterned as yours, but whatever. my list won't read like a season of "seinfield," or "friends." call me when ya get some time.
by the way: what i could understand of that 2nd poem was pretty good; cell phones make great flashlights (if you're ever stuck inside a dog w/ a good book); & i totally agree w/ you @ libraries. what are they doing w/ our taxes, if not buying crappy writing utensils? well, your taxes; i don't pay any.

1st time, 1st try

__having never even read a blog 'til my sister got her own, i'm a little out of the loop to begin with. add to that the pressure of having to come up w/ something to write @, minus any real inspiration (no missing pencils, no spanish poetry springing to mind), & i'm pretty depressed over the lack of wit that may turn out to be the real me. luckily, long-winded as i am, i may write long enough-- & w/ sufficient utilisation of multisyllabic words-- to convince myself otherwise.
__and just to be completely up-front & honest, i fully intend to use previously written or vocalized thoughts as if they were brand new. they will all be my own, of course, but not strictly "original," in the sense that they are recent.
__ guess that'll be all for now. maybe next time i'll actually write about something.
__...maybe not.