i've spent so much time & ink lately, bemoaning the fact that i'm not the man i want to be/think i ought to be. now i'm thinking that maybe it's just @ admitting to myself who i really am, & learning to operate on that basis. not really an appealing prospect, but it may, in the long run, lead to greater happiness, self-fulfillment, etc. in the long run...
maybe it's both? admitting that you'll never be the perfect man, but still working on things a little at a time?
i think it comes down to recognizing that we are weak and we can't fix ourselves, but that God can fix us and will, here or in heaven.
and when and where He chooses to do it is his business, i guess, but we can pray for the strength and wisdom to live as we should, and know that if we do occasionally pull it off, it's by his grace alone.
An Argentinian poet, Hugo Mujica, at a certain stage of his life, wrote
Ya no pido horizontes,
rezo mis pasos
I don't ask for horizons anymore,
I pray my steps
I guess eventually we all realize that certain ideals, certain goals, don't push us closer to self-fulfillment, but only cause frustration and disappointment. Then maybe, just maybe, the key is to become humbler, not in the sense that we should think less of ourselves, but to realize that the starting point to heaven is in our reality as it is, without judging it. The way up begins down, in the depths of our being, which may not be as attractive as our ideal self-image, but it's true, and it's the only sound foundation to build our way up.
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